
As the technical founder of Tech Install, a company that has served over 1,500 clients, my journey has evolved from managing all business operations to a passionate focus on software development. I use my proficiency in JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and SQL to build efficient, scalable solutions.


Software Engineer

2022 to 2023 at TripleTen, Boston, United States


Founder at Tech Install

From Nov 2020 to Present at Tech Install, Boston, United States

  • Managed and executed the business's digital strategy, including online presence, targeted advertising campaigns, and SEO, resulting in a 334% growth in conversions from 2020 to 2021.

  • Developed a mobile app for the field team, improving team productivity by 41% within the first year of launch. Also implemented a payment system using Square, which streamlined transactions, enhanced checkout speed, and removed payment processing errors.

  • Implemented a custom CRM and automated the onboarding process, reducing manual effort by 80% and significantly improving operational efficiency.

Assistant Tutor at TripleTen

From May 2023 to Jan 2024 at TripleTen, Boston, United States

  • Reviewed over 150 code submissions to identify areas for improvement and provide constructive feedback to the other full-stack developer students.

  • Led multiple study groups and conducted monthly workshops on specific coding topics, including Modern JS and Git/GitHub Best Practices.

SEO Specialist at SERPchampion

From Ago 2019 to Sep 2020 at SERPchampion, Bergschenhoek, Netherlands

  • Reviewed over 150 code submissions to identify areas for improvement and provide constructive feedback to the other full-stack developer students.

  • Led multiple study groups and conducted monthly workshops on specific coding topics, including Modern JS and Git/GitHub Best Practices.

Account Manager at Macurex

From Apr 2018 to Sep 2019 at Macurex, Dover, United States

  • Onboarding new clients, optimizing their experience by setting up accounts on our automation system, enabling seamless integration with Macurex services.

  • Performing daily maintenance checks on automated accounts and promptly resolving issues, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Languages and Tools

© 2024 Anderson Marques

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